Rights of the Deep
Part of the global Rights of Nature movement, Rights of the Deep advocates for recognizing the deep sea—home to vast biodiversity and critical mineral resources—as an ecosystem with intrinsic rights to protection and preservation. This largely unexplored “last frontier” is increasingly threatened by deep seabed mining, regulated by the International Seabed Authority (ISA), a UN…
Assembly Whose Ocean?
WHOSE OCEAN? ASSEMBLY The ocean is vital for life on earth and climate, yet its voice is rarely heard in law and political decision-making. It is completely unclear who is meant when bodies like the UN speak of ‘our oceans’. It is also uncertain who has the right to lay claim to the ocean or…
Monthly online water bodies meeting
Every third Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm, the water bodies network comes together to exchange plans and ideas. Find bellow the schedule. Should you be interested to join one of these sessions to meet the network, please send an email to: to receive the agenda + Zoomlink. Wednesday 19 February 4 pm…