Water bodies
Water body
The Rhine River, one of Europe’s longest and most significant waterways, spans over 1,230 kilometers from the Swiss Alps to the North Sea. Flowing through six countries—Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany, France, and the Netherlands—it has shaped European history, culture, and economies for centuries. Its delta, shared with the Meuse and Scheldt rivers in the Netherlands,…
Water body
Ticino River
The Ticino River rises in the Alps of southern Switzerland and flows through northern Italy. It is the main tributary of the Po River and the second Italian river in terms of water flow. The river measures a total of 248 km in length and is considered one of the healthiest rivers in Italy. Here,…
Water body
Wattenmeer The Wadden Sea (Wattenmeer) is the largest unbroken tidal mud flats system in the world and consists of an unusual and highly dynamic sedimentary coast that ebbs and flows as sand, debris, mud, soil, and marine materials are distributed and redistributed over and over by the waves, tides, and currents. It is one of…
Water body
When the river Piave finally reaches the plain, just past Vidor bridge, it spreads widely across the area named ‘Grave di Ciano’ (Ciano Riverbeds), which comprises about 940 hectares of river ecosystems and represents a still intact biodiversity oasis of stunning beauty. Thanks to the rare species and habitats it hosts, the site is included in the 2000 Nature...
Water body
Love our Ouse is a community based initiative linking people to celebrate, learn and take action for Sussex River Ouse from source to sea. We believe the Ouse has the right to support a rich biodiversity and a thriving riverside community. There’s so much to learn about the Ouse; its rich history, topography, ecology and water quality to name...
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Monthly online water bodies meeting
Every third Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm, our water bodies network comes together to exchange plans and ideas. Find bellow the schedule. Should you be interested to join one of these sessions to meet the network, please send an email to: info@ambassadevandenoordzee.nl to receive the agenda + Zoomlink. Thursday 23 January 7:30pm Thursday…
Watch the video of the confluence 2024 in Venice!
From all over Europe, from Iceland to Poland and Sweden, and from Norway to Spain, to Serbia and the UK, representatives of Europe’s lakes, seas, rivers and glaciers confluenced for the second edition of the Confluence of European Water Bodies 2024 at Ocean Space, Venice. Over 50 academics, lawyers, artists, ecologists and policy makers gathered…
Looking back at the Confluence of European Water Bodies 2024
Modes of activism for nature protection From all over Europe, from Iceland to Poland and Sweden, and from Norway to Spain, to Serbia and the UK, representatives of Europe’s lakes, seas, rivers and glaciers confluenced for the second edition of the Confluence of European Water Bodies 2024 at Ocean Space, Venice. Over 50 academics, lawyers, artists, ecologists…
Online press confluence 26 September 2024
The Confluence of European Water Bodies will hold an online press confluence 26 September 2024 from 10:00 – 11:15. This online session will give insight in the foundation, aims, visions and methods of the Confluence of European Water Bodies and offers press and researchers the opportunity to ask questions. Several European water bodies will be…
Watch the Confluence of European Water Bodies 2023 short film
The first Confluence of European Water Bodies took place in September 2023 on the shores of the Mar Menor, the first ecosystem with legal personhood in Europe. We weaved connectivity and collectivity with waters from Poland to Italy, from Sweden to France, from Serbia to Montenegro, to Germany and the UK. We mourned over lost landscapes…
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Rights of the Deep
Part of the global Rights of Nature movement, Rights of the Deep advocates for recognizing the deep sea—home to vast biodiversity and critical mineral resources—as an ecosystem with intrinsic rights to protection and preservation. This largely unexplored “last frontier” is increasingly threatened by deep seabed mining, regulated by the International Seabed Authority (ISA), a UN…
Assembly Whose Ocean?
WHOSE OCEAN? ASSEMBLY The ocean is vital for life on earth and climate, yet its voice is rarely heard in law and political decision-making. It is completely unclear who is meant when bodies like the UN speak of ‘our oceans’. It is also uncertain who has the right to lay claim to the ocean or…
Monthly online water bodies meeting
Every third Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm, the water bodies network comes together to exchange plans and ideas. Find bellow the schedule. Should you be interested to join one of these sessions to meet the network, please send an email to: info@ambassadevandenoordzee.nl to receive the agenda + Zoomlink. Wednesday 19 February 4 pm…
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Can the Piave still Murmur?
An assembly in Ocean Space for an in-depth discussion and a series of artistic elements centered on the case of the Grave di Ciano, an important area of the Piave river, protected by the Natura 2000 project but threatened by a potentially ecologically damaging climate adaptation project.
Programme Confluence of European Water Bodies 2024
From 3 to 6 October 2024, the second edition of the Confluence of European Water Bodies will take place, an initiative of the Embassy of the North Sea, TBA21–Academy, and representatives of the ILP Mar Menor. After a successful first conference in 2023 on the shores of the Mar Menor, the first ecosystem in Europe…
The Waterbodies orchestra
The Water Bodies Orchestra This digital design project is a musical and embodied way to unlock the digital sound archive of European waters. Through interactive group experiences, the human and non-human voices of the water bodies will come together in a performative moment. The Water Bodies Orchestra will be rehearsed and performed for the first…
Diplomatic suitcase
Diplomatic suitcase Water is vital for all life on Earth, yet the voices of water are rarely heard in political decision-making. Born out of growing water challenges and demands for water democracy worldwide, the Confluence of European Water Bodies sprang from a collective pursuit of a deeper understanding of the ‘Rights of Nature’ in Europe.…
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Xandra van der Eijk
Xandra van der Eijk is a Dutch artist and researcher, interested in the fluid, networked actors that constitute waterbodies. Using a distinct artistic methodology, they provide material experience-driven approaches to imagining and understanding ecological networks. In 2019, Xandra founded and developed the first MA in ecological art in the Netherlands at Avans University of Applied…
Anja Binkofski
Anja Binkofski is a Doctoral Candidate at the German Maritime Museum – Leibniz Institute for Maritime History in Bremerhaven, Germany. She studied Transcultural Studies (M.A.) at the University of Bremen, where she found her passion for Maritime Anthropology. This resulted in her Thesis: “Living with(out) the North Sea – Future Planning on the Halligen in the Age…
Léa Corbière
Léa Corbière grew up on the shores of Mediterranean Sea in the south of France. She has a master’s degree in transdisciplinary political science on risk management and adaptation to climate change and a master’s specialising in environmental law from the universities of Paris: Panthéon-Sorbonne and Panthéon-Assas. She works on pesticide risk regulation and, more…
Martin Hultman
Martin Hultman, Associate Professor at the Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, is widely published in energy, climate, and environmental issues in a variety of journals and more than ten books. His work has been translated into seven languages. Hultman leads three research groups analyzing ‘masculinities and energy’, ‘rights of nature’, and ‘climate change denial’. He…
Letizia Artioli
Letizia Artioli is an architect and researcher based between Venice and Den Haag, always below sea level. She is currently working on Data Turbulences, Flooding Voids, and Weathering Spaces. Her work focuses on investigating the relationship between human beings and environmental data as a matter for research and creation, entangling archives of dichotomies between immaterial…
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