The Reuss is the river that characterises Central Switzerland. It flows from the Gotthard region in the canton of Uri to the north. Its water finally ends up in the North Sea. For a long time, its wild course in the region of origin was an obstacle to transport over the Gotthard Pass in the Alps. The crossing of the Reuss by a spectacular bridge in the gorge of “Schöllenen” inspired a legend that attributed its construction to a pact with the devil. The Reuss Delta, the nature reserve where the Reuss flows into Lake Lucerne, is also fascinating. The point where the Reuss leaves Lake Lucerne in Lucerne and flows northwards under the Chapel Bridge is world-famous. After the Reuss has absorbed the waters of the Kleine Emme, it flows towards Zug, Zurich and Aargau, where it partly forms the border between the cantons. The area near Brugg, where first the Reuss (after around 160 km) and a little later the Limmat flow into the Aare, is known as the “moated castle of Switzerland”. Although some efforts have been made to renaturalise the Reuss, much of the river’s natural beauty has been destroyed by human intervention, agriculture and the production of energy.
Rechtsperson Reuss Association
We want to implement legal personality and constitutional rights for the Reuss. The association “Rechtsperson Reuss” aims to improve the situation, initially in the canton of Lucerne, by giving the river both legal personality and constitutional rights. Even if some organisations are trying to put a stop to the destruction of the natural river landscape and reverse “crimes” against the river, the association is convinced that the Reuss needs its own legal personality in order to be able to defend its natural existence in its own name. The target shall be reached in the first step by a popular initiative on the level of the canton Luzern/Switzerland. The following paragraphs shall be implemented in the constitution of Luzern: Section 10 para. 3 KV (new):The basic rights of non-human nature are guaranteed in accordance with the cantonal constitution. Section 10bis KV (new): Rights of the Reuss 1. The river Reuss is endowed with legal personality. The Reuss is entitled to all rights necessary to assert and enforce its claims. 2. It is entitled to a. existence, b. ecological integrity, in particular the preservation and promotion of its biodiversity and protection against pollution, c. protection against exploitation, in particular against excessive use of resources. 3. The law regulates the practical implementation. It is to be designed in such a way that the effective and independent assertion and enforcement of the claims granted are ensured.